This project was born out of abundance of narrow whale black corduroy I picked up at the remnants sale in Fabricville. Great fabric, great colour, great value. Does it lead to a great garment?

It was my first time using a Japanese pattern book (French edition). The instructions are thorough and easy to follow, from picking the size, to cutting, to ironing and to finishing the garment. The sizings used in the book are Asian, and they differ from European or American, so proceed with caution. Another observation, the pattern accommodates a more square shoulder silhouette, so you might need to watch for the slope of the shoulder. You can alter it where the yoke meets the fronts of the body by lowering (or raising) the armhole for the same amount (divided equally between front and back) you removed (or added) at the shoulder. Sleeve lengths can be an issue as well, I found them on a shorter side.

There are some very interesting techniques used in putting together the shirts, but with patience, those lend to fantastic results. What I found the most challenging is copying the patterns, adding the appropriate seam allowances and then ironing those very specific margins to various pattern pieces. And after that, sewing seams with precision! A true exercise in zen.

I would greatly recommend everyone to at least try the patterns, to experience some of the construction techniques. After that you can decide for yourselves whether those work for you or not.